Privacy policy.

Our Privacy Policy

At Stud And Track Ltd, we take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting it. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, disclose and protect the personal information you provide or that we collect about you when you use our products or services.

We may collect personal information from you when you register for an account with us, make a purchase, use our online services or participate in promotional activities. The types of personal information that we may collect include name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, credit card information and demographic information such as age and gender. We may also ask for your preferences related to marketing communications from us or our affiliates.

When we receive personal information from you through our websites or other forms of communication (e.g., email or postal mail), we store this data in secure databases. We use industry standard security measures to protect the confidentiality of your personal information including encryption technology and password protection systems. We also restrict access to your personal information to employees who have a legitimate business need for such access in order to provide you with the requested products or services.

We may also ask for additional optional information such as date of birth and other demographic data that helps us better understand our customers so that we can offer tailored product offers and special promotions. We will not share this type of data with third parties but might utilize our own service providers to help capture this data if it is voluntarily provided by you during registration or responding to a survey online.

In addition, we may combine the personal data that you provide with other publicly available information (such as census-level profile data) in order to create aggregate reports on customer trends which help us better understand our customers’ needs and preferences so that we can offer more targeted product offers and customized experiences on our websites or mobile applications. Any aggregated reports created using your personal data will not contain any personally identifiable information about any individual customer including yourself.

We may also use third party service providers such as analytics companies, payment processing companies, advertising networks, search engine optimization firms and web hosting companies among others who assist us in providing services related to our business activities including marketing campaigns, website maintenance, research projects and customer service operations among others all under contractual agreements which protect the confidentiality of your personal data at all times..

When required by law (such as for tax reporting purposes) we will disclose certain limited pieces of non-publicly available information about customers such as name, address and financial account details however this kind of disclosure is done only after taking appropriate steps to ensure that the requestor has legal authority for such request and ensuring that necessary safeguards are applied when handling sensitive financial account details .

You have control over the accuracy of your own personal data held by us – if at any time you would like us to delete incorrect/incomplete/outdated/irrelevant/unnecessary details please contact us immediately using the contact methods listed below under “Contact Us” section so that necessary corrections can be made promptly or deletion requested appropriately where applicable following applicable laws & regulations pertaining to consumer privacy rights in each jurisdiction where relevant . In certain cases , users may exercise their right “Right To Be Forgotten” as per GDPR regulations applicable across EU countries based upon applicable criteria being met - please refer to FAQs section located on this page for further details before making a request under GDPR provisions .

We take reasonable efforts to keep up with changes in technology & regulations associated with protecting consumer privacy rights . As part of these efforts , We reserve the right at anytime without prior notice , modify / amend / update / change specific terms & conditions mentioned within this policy document based upon changing regulatory requirements & technological advancements in order for keeping up with latest standards pertaining consumer privacy protection . Accordingly , Please check this page periodically & review current version before making any submissions thru electronic means since older versions are superseded by newer versions automatically .